  • ROUNDUP® DYNAMIC 500SL- 1 Litre
  • ROUNDUP® DYNAMIC 500SL- 1 Litre


25.50 €

ROUNDUP® DYNAMIC 500SL The new Roundup Dynamic is a well-known and appreciated product in a new formulation.  The use of Roundup means high efficacy in weed control, as well as convenience of use: ease of application, broad registration, short interval between spraying and field cultivation, effectiveness even in unfavourable weather conditions. 


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Product description:

ROUNDUP Dynamic 500SL is a herbicide for the control of monocot and dicot weeds in arable
 and grass fields, in vegetable crops as well as in mustard and brassica species, field peas and neem flowers).
Application description :
A pre-sowing, pre-harvest, stubble, vine, fruit and vegetable crop, set-aside, unused 
and forestry herbicide Roundup®.
Recommended application: - Roundup®PowerFlex is effective and durable against a broad spectrum of weeds and grass weeds
in a variety of crops.
- The uptake and distribution of the active ingredient in the plant is crucial for
the successful application of glyphosate. Innovative formulation technology is the key to success.
Due to the special, effective and lasting effect, no further treatment is necessary.
The advantages optimize your cost and time management!
·The 37.37% higher active ingredient concentration. · Roundup®Dynamic 500SL is a water-soluble concentrate with a high active ingredient content
of 500 g glyphosate per liter.
Application: Whether for pre-sowing, pre-harvest, stubble application, in viniculture, fruit and vegetable cultivation,
on set-aside areas as well as in non-crop land and in the forest sector, Roundup®Dynamic 500SL achieves
an effective effect in the various segments.
Use throughout the growing season – even after short night frosts down to -4°CWeed species to be controlled must have formed sufficient leaf mass and be adequately wettedApplication is possible after rain or when weeds are dewy but not dripping wetA slow onset of symptoms due to weather conditions has no impact on the sustainability of the effect Optimal absorption and distribution of active ingredients: For a successful glyphosate application, the uptake and distribution of the active ingredient
in the plant is of crucial importance. Innovative formulation technology is the key to success.
Roundup®Dynamic 500SL contains a new innovative wetting system that does not cause a burning effect
on the blade. By gently penetrating the plant, cell structures are preserved and the plant's sap flow intact,
allowing Roundup®Dynamic 500SL to be well absorbed and continuously transported to the roots.
As a result, more of the active ingredient reaches the root of the plant, resulting in a highly effective effect.
Due to the special, effective and lasting effect, a follow-up treatment is not necessary. The advantages optimize your cost and time management! Reduced drift risk: There is a potential risk of drift when using crop protection products. As a result,
non-target areas (e.g. neighboring areas, field borders, bodies of water) can be adversely affected.
Exceed performance limits: Excellent effect even under unfavorable conditions Products containing glyphosate reach their limits


Product description:

ROUNDUP Dynamic 500SL is a herbicide for the control of monocot and dicot weeds in arable
 and grass fields, in vegetable crops as well as in mustard and brassica species, field peas and neem flowers).
Application description :
A pre-sowing, pre-harvest, stubble, vine, fruit and vegetable crop, set-aside, unused 
and forestry herbicide Roundup®.
Recommended application: - Roundup®PowerFlex is effective and durable against a broad spectrum of weeds and grass weeds
in a variety of crops.
- The uptake and distribution of the active ingredient in the plant is crucial for
the successful application of glyphosate. Innovative formulation technology is the key to success.
Due to the special, effective and lasting effect, no further treatment is necessary.
The advantages optimize your cost and time management!
·The 37.37% higher active ingredient concentration. · Roundup®Dynamic 500SL is a water-soluble concentrate with a high active ingredient content
of 500 g glyphosate per liter.
Application: Whether for pre-sowing, pre-harvest, stubble application, in viniculture, fruit and vegetable cultivation,
on set-aside areas as well as in non-crop land and in the forest sector, Roundup®Dynamic 500SL achieves
an effective effect in the various segments.
Use throughout the growing season – even after short night frosts down to -4°CWeed species to be controlled must have formed sufficient leaf mass and be adequately wettedApplication is possible after rain or when weeds are dewy but not dripping wetA slow onset of symptoms due to weather conditions has no impact on the sustainability of the effect Optimal absorption and distribution of active ingredients: For a successful glyphosate application, the uptake and distribution of the active ingredient
in the plant is of crucial importance. Innovative formulation technology is the key to success.
Roundup®Dynamic 500SL contains a new innovative wetting system that does not cause a burning effect
on the blade. By gently penetrating the plant, cell structures are preserved and the plant's sap flow intact,
allowing Roundup®Dynamic 500SL to be well absorbed and continuously transported to the roots.
As a result, more of the active ingredient reaches the root of the plant, resulting in a highly effective effect.
Due to the special, effective and lasting effect, a follow-up treatment is not necessary. The advantages optimize your cost and time management! Reduced drift risk: There is a potential risk of drift when using crop protection products. As a result,
non-target areas (e.g. neighboring areas, field borders, bodies of water) can be adversely affected.
Exceed performance limits: Excellent effect even under unfavorable conditions Products containing glyphosate reach their limits
of effectiveness and performance in extremely humid, cool or very dry conditions.
Roundup®Dynamic 500SL impressively defies these limits and demonstrates effectiveness in a wide range
of application conditions, such as e.g. B. humidity, temperature or metabolic activity.
This allows the practice greater independence and flexibility.
Roundup®Dynamic 500SL – shortened waiting time before soil tillage Roundup®Dynamic 500SL sets
a new benchmark for weed infestation over several years! The waiting time until tillage could be
further reduced compared to the previous standard and is only:
2 days for treatments against couch grass*4 days for other perennial weeds* *Amount applied: 3.75 l/ha under optimal conditions. Please note additional information in the instructions for use. Rainproof after just 1 hour The new Roundup®Dynamic 500SL is rainproof after just 1 hour. Microscopic investigations confirm
this impressively. In practice, this means more flexibility and reliability.
Outstanding performance – high flexibility: With the new Roundup®Dynamic 500SL we help you to make the best use of the available field work days.
All work can be safely planned and carried out thanks to the high flexibility of Roundup®Dynamic 500SL:
Excellent performanceVery good effect even under unfavorable conditionsReduced waiting time between application and subsequent tillageTallowamine free wetting agentRainfastness after just 1 hourVery good miscibilityLess risk of drift One original – four generations: Already in the early phase of product development, the product properties of the new Roundup®Dynamic 500SL
were extensively tested in several test series both under greenhouse and outdoor conditions.
The expectations of Roundup®Dynamic 500SLhave not only been met, they have been far exceeded.
Over the past four decades, Roundup® formulations have been continuously optimized and improved.
No Roundup® is like the other! With Roundup®Dynamic 500SL the fourth generation
of the Roundup® product change is introduced. The following overview shows
the individual development stages of the continuous further development of Roundup® products such as
Roundup UltraMax or Roundup.
Dosage and application: Roundup®Dynamic 500SL 0.225-0.375 ml/m² area Paint in a 37.37% solution Active substance: Active ingredient content: 500 g/l glyphosate (612.5 g/l potassium salt) Formulation: Water soluble concentrate Information according to the chemical ban regulation for detailed details see product description
manufacturer link
N (Dangerous for the environment) PADS:NN2001: The agent is classified as slightly harmful to populations of relevant beneficial insects.NN2002: The agent is classified as slightly damaging to populations of relevant predatory mites
and spiders.
NN2842: The agent is classified as slightly harmful to populations of the species
Aphidius rhopalosiphi (braconid wasp).
NW261: The agent is poisonous to fish.NW262: The agent is toxic to algae.SB001: Avoid any unnecessary contact with the product. Misuse can lead to damage to health. SB005: If medical advice is needed, have product packaging or label at hand.SB010: Keep out of the reach of children.SB111: The requirements for personal protective equipment when handling plant protection products
can be found in the safety data sheet and the instructions for use of the plant protection product,
as well as the BVL guideline "Personal protective equipment when handling
plant protection products" from the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety.
SB166: Do not eat, drink or smoke when handling product.SF245-02: Ensure that treated areas/crops are not entered again until the pesticide film has driedSS206: Wear work clothing (if no specific protective clothing is required)
and sturdy footwear (e.g. rubber boots) when applying/handling crop protection products.
VH368: The content of N-nitrosoglyphosate in the technical concentrate of glyphosate
or glyphosate salts must not exceed 1mg/kg. The formaldehyde content must not exceed 1.3 g/kg based
on the equivalent mass of glyphosate acid.
WH952: On the packaging and in the instructions for use, the statement identifying the mechanism
of action is to be assigned directly to each corresponding active substance name as additional information.
WMG: mechanism of action (HRAC group): G. TERMS OF USE:NG352: Maintain an interval of 40 days between applications when the combined application rate
of two consecutive sprayings of this and other glyphosate-based crop protection products exceeds
a total of 2.9 kg glyphosate/ha.
NW468: Do not allow application liquids and their residues, agents and their residues,
emptied containers or packaging as well as cleaning and rinsing liquids to get into the water.
This also applies to indirect inputs via gullies, yard and street drains as well as rainwater
and sewage systems.
SF275-EEWE: It must be ensured that long work clothing and sturdy shoes are worn
for follow-up work/inspections with direct contact to the treated plants/areas after use in viticulture up
to and including the harvest.
SF275-14GE: It must be ensured that long work clothes and sturdy shoes
are worn during follow-up work/inspections with direct contact to the treated plants/areas within
14 days after application in vegetables.
SF275-28OS: It must be ensured that long working clothes and sturdy shoes
are worn during follow-up work/inspections with direct contact to the treated plants/areas within
28 days after application in fruit tree crops and in bush fruit.
SF275-35ZB: It must be ensured that long working clothes and sturdy shoes
are worn during follow-up work/inspections with direct contact to the treated plants/areas within
35 days after application in ornamental and nursery plants.
SS701-1: Wear protective gloves when applying with a brush (plant protection). APPROVED CROPS: Cultivation systems, caterpillars, hardwoods, conifers, Brassica species (crop plants), mustard species,
paths and locations with shrubs, tree seedlings, paths and locations with shrubs,
turf fruit trees other than raspberry trees, bob, field peas.


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