ROUNDUP 360 Plus ist ein Herbizid zur Bekämpfung von einkeimblättrigen und zweikeimblättrigen Unkräutern in Acker- und Grasfeldern, in Gemüsekulturen sowie in Senf- und Brassica-Arten, Futtererbsen und Niemblumen).
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Product description:
Type: Herbicide (Herbicide)
Producer: Bayer Group
Capacity: 1L / 5L
Active substance: glyphosate a compound from the group of aminophosphoric acids in the form
of a potassium salt - 360 g / l (28.77%)
Form: Concentrate
mode of action:
A herbicide in concentrate form for making an aqueous solution for foliar application
with field and hand sprayers
Cultivation of: corn, potatoes, carrots, parsley, onions, leeks (from seed), sugar beets,
pre-harvest winter wheat, winter triticale, rye, spring wheat, spring barley and winter oilseed rape,
on stubble, fallow and fallow land, and agricultural wasteland
Controls: couchgrass, annual and perennial monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous weeds
I. In spring, after sowing or planting and before crop emergence to control emerging weeds.
The maximum dose for single use: 25.0 ml / 100 m
The recommended dose for single use: 12.5-25.0 ml / 100 m
Use Date - Spray after planting potatoes and drool once on emerging weeds,
no later than 3 days before potatoes emerge (BBCH 00-09).
After treatment, do not carry out any mechanical tillage.
Use the remedy on moderately compact soils
Maximum number of treatments during the growing season: 1.
Recommended amount of water: 2-3 l / 100 m
Recommended spray: medium drop.
carrots, parsley, onion, leek (from sowing)
The maximum dose for single use: 18.0 ml / 100 m
The recommended dose for single use: 12.5-18.0 ml / 100 m
When to use - Apply after weed emergence, but no later than 2-3 days before crop emergence (BBCH 00-09).
Maximum number of treatments during the growing season: 1.
Recommended amount of water: 2-3 l / 100 m
Recommended spray: medium drop.
1. Do not use on very light, sandy soils.
2. Sow the seeds of carrots, onions and leeks at a depth of at least 2 cm
Use pesticides carefully. Before use read the label and product information.
Use by non-professional users permitted.
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